The original painting is a classic painted in the Sung Dynasty (宋) by a very famous artist (张择端).
It's called 清明上河圖 Qing Ming Shang He Tu (Qing Ming time at Shang He [at the Capital of Northern Sung Dynasty].
This painting is rated as one of the 10 best Chinese paintings in history and is currently kept in the Beijing Museum. The original version is 5.28 meter long and 24.8cm in height.. It rolls out as a scroll and it captured the daily life of a market place in the North Sung era.
Now, using high tech systems, someone in China has created this exceptional piece into a life animated version and was shown at the World Shanghai Expo 2010....... This clip was taken by a visitor. This is incredible!
I guess this goes to show the pride and power of China. not only it has the advanced history and culture, it now possesses money and ability to harness the high tech knowledge for the future!
No wonder US and many Western nations are voicing concerns and trying hard to impede China's growth..........
Yesterday, it was announced that China has achieved the highest speed ever reached by a high speed bullet train in the world, and this was from a train 100% funded and made by the Chinese.
At the same time, you can see reports in the NY times suggesting that China has armed twisted the top firms like Seimens, Bombardier, and other Japanese manufacturers into sharing their technical knowhow over the years, cumulating to China's ability to achieve such breakthrough today.....
I believe we are going to see a lot of these things happening nowadays, and if it is not handled well, there will be frictions along the way.
This is cool
Amazing. An ancient Chinese painting at a museum comes to life. Like in a movie.
On Huge LED Screen....